The World Journal of Surgery publishes selected original scientific reports on:
Advances in clinical surgery
Experimental surgery and related sciences
Surgical education
Socioeconomic aspects of surgical care
The World Journal of Surgery keeps you informed on the newest developments and outcomes.
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World Journal of Surgery publishes original articles that offer significant contributions to knowledge in the broad fields of clinical surgery, experimental surgery and related sciences, surgical education and the socioeconomic aspects of surgical care. The Journal has an international circulation and is designed to serve as a medium for rapid dissemination of new and important information about the science and art of surgery throughout the world. In the interests of a wide international readership, use of the English language is required. Articles are accepted for publication with the understanding that they, or their substantive contents, have not been and will not be submitted to any other publication.
Submission of manuscripts through Manuscript Central.
Interim Co-Editors WJS
Gerard M. Doherty, MD, Boston, MA, USA
Sherry Wren, MD, Palo Alto, CA, USA
Letters and book reviews
Letters to the Editor that pertain to material previously published in World Journal of Surgery will be considered for publication. Such letters should not exceed 500 words in length and should include the name, academic degrees, departmental and institutional affiliations, and address of the author. The editorial board reserves the right to accept, reject or excerpt letters without changing the views expressed by the author.
World Journal of Surgery is pleased to receive and review new books published in the English language. If books are mailed to the Editorial Office, these books will be reviewed by our editorial board, and the review will generally be published within 6 months of the book's receipt.